ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

Welcome to the class blog! This blog belongs to the students of ESL-INTEG Level 6 at Harold Washington College. This is a place for students to publish and share their writing.

Tuesday, February 27

Living Day by Day

“One day, one lifetime” is one the quotations from Zen Buddhism that caught my attention. First, it is a truly short quote although it can have a huge meaning. I interpret it as every day of your life is important, and you need to live it as it would be the last one. Sometimes people have a bitter life. Most of their time they are angry like a lion when someone tries to take their cubbies. Others don’t care about anything and leave their stuffs for the next day. Why do we have to leave things for tomorrow when they could be done today? What about if in your life if there is not a next day? We never know when it will be our last day in the world; therefore, you should leave every day like as it would the last one, enjoy your moments with your family, and let them know how much you love them because you don’t know if next I would have the opportunity to do it. Try to be content and enjoy what you have. Just live every day as it will be the last one.

Lissa Gaitan

I’m not young enough to know everything.

Young people have great eagerness to know everything because they lack of experience in their life. They are not shamed to ask questions. As the people grow up, they can make their minds up about something. They begin to think something by themselves instead of asking others. They think that will be a stupid if they ask others something about they don’t know. They pretend that they know something that they don’t know, but the kids won’t. Someone doesn’t like asking questions because they are shamed. That were not the only reasons they know less than they were young. Also, when people grow up, they have lots of affairs to handle. They try to escape from the questions. They don’t want to take time to think about the problems they encounter.


One day, one lifetime

I feel identified with this quotation because it is one style to live the life the best you can. Many diverse occasions life seems to be hard with us, but not always life is as hard as it seems. It depends on the side that you focus on. So if you take it like that, you could give your best at work, with your family and majority of the hard circumstances through your life. Consequently, you could be sufficiently strong to carry on your life and direct it in a best way. Some time ago, I received dirty trick from life. My daughter had a horrific accident in kindergarten which leads her between life and death. I went through depression and I needed to get some therapy because I used to protect my daughter as best as I can, so I couldn’t understand why she had has that unexpected accident. Finally, with that accident I understood that life could end in a blink of an eye. So I decided to live each day the best as I can. Of course it is difficult, but it brings you pleasant rewards.

Rocio Rodriguez

Sunday, February 25

The more you know, the less you understand

This saying I think is very similar to a Spanish language said, “Solo se que no se nada” (I just know that I don’t know nothing), by Socrates, the most known Philosopher ancient Greek. Sometimes you could know something, but it’s not enough to know or understand. Never ended. Everyday we have to learn something new. While more you know, more questions are generating in our mind, and after all you will recognize that it’s just a little bit that we know about it. Socrates said, that he doesn’t know anything to understand the universe, and he gave a lesson to the world. Socrates was considerate a most intelligent and said that he doesn’t know, when he was suppose to know. Nobody knows anything. Everyday in our life is a new page, a new world. Everyday we learn something new, no matter how much you know.

When I came to Chicago, I never had imagined that me, a woman who had studied before, could learn more. Actually I still keep on learning more every day and that makes me happy, very much.

Doris Torres

One day, one lifetime

In my opinion, I was thinking every day need to be happier than yesterday. I don’t know what day I am going to die. I should try new things and do something that I will not feel something still behind my back. We should live in a happy day instead to be sad and thinking too much of annoys thing. Or else, I will be regretting what I didn’t do when I die. No one should be ruin their day to some kind of unhappy and annoy things. I know everyone should try to be happy in our life. For example, I wake up, go to school, come home after school, doing homework, eat, and sleep for every boring day. However, there are some surprise moments, like my brother give me a present, friends call me out to shop/eat and more. So, we should live in a happy day to welcome more surprise moments to make our life happier.

Teresa Mei

Thursday, February 22

One Cannot Step Twice into the Same River

If the time was passed, you could not go back to the same time because time never waits for anyone. Such when I was a child, I didn’t study hard. When I grew up, I regret that didn’t study hard, and I wanted to become a child again, but this is impossible because you can’t capture a moment. Thus we should catch the chance, and timing. On the other hand, if I did something bad, we can not change, for example, I killed somebody I can not change he truth, or make up because even if I did a lot of good for that person, but she/he is no longer alive.

Wai Ping Chan, April

Feb. 22, 2007 222

Tuesday, February 20

The more you know, the less you understand.

I think this mean there are a lot of things that you don’t know than just know to the name of them. For example, before I come to America from China. I only know there is a place called “America” from far away, and I know they speak English, and American has blond hairs, blue eyes. I didn’t realize there are so many people from different country in America. I don’t know what kind of foods they eat, and what kind of house they live in, and how their life style is. I need to learn the life in America. You have to experience it then just to know the word. The knowledge in the world is endless, no matter how many things you know or you have experienced, there are more things that you don’t know that they exist.

Kyle He

One day, one lifetime

I think it means everyday have different things happen and you will face a lot of things in one day, but it might be different to other days. So one day, one lifetime, it is just like at the morning is a new life start, and then you facing the things happened whole day. At the night today's life is end, but tomorrow morning is a new life start again. For example, today I woke up at 10a.m., my mom coked lunch for me and I ate it. At the afternoon, I went out with my friends, we went to play pool until 4 o’clock, then I back home. Dinner time, I has dinner with my family and watched the Chinese TV show, the TV show was talked about Chinese New Year. After dinner, we played dice until 9 o’clock, after that I played on my computer for a while. Now, it almost is time to sleep. Tomorrow when I wake up, it might be a new start of the day for me because tomorrow have to school. So tomorrow will be a totally different day from today. That’s the one day, one lifetime.

Zihao Chen

The more you know, the less you understand.

When I was a child many questions were in my mind. So, I thought when I grew up would the answers will make me so happy. After several years studying my basic study, I have discovered that it is impossible to understand everything well. Also, each day I have learned a lot different things, including things about my family, self-Esteem knowledge, friendship rules, and pop culture as well. However, my knowledge continues being limited in order to know answers from questions that I have not assimilated completely. Also, I have studied more than fifteen years in order to know Latin American culture. My favorite topics such as philosophy, literature, history, poetry but I feel as I still have a lot to learn many things. Perhaps there is a lot of knowledge around me which is impossible to assimilate everything. The mind could know a million wonderful ideas. So, the imagination will take two millions out of dreams. However, there will always be millions of things that never will know my capacity.

Rolando Hernandez Lizcano

Monday, February 19

One day, one lifetime

People always say life is too short to live. And it’s the same as “one day, one lifetime.” We should enjoy all of our moments we spend on this earth because who knows when you’re going to die or what will happen to you tomorrow. If you didn’t get pleasure from this earth, it’s not when you go to meet your maker that will take it seriously; also, I think that life is not perfect but not terrible either. As long as you try to stay away from bad things, know how to deal with people and take things easily, you’ll be happy in your life. But also when you do the opposite of that, you’ll end up messing up your life. However, to live longer, stay healthy, stay out of trouble, enjoy every breath in this life, and don’t depress yourself. In conclusion, live one day and treat it like it’s your last day.

Ramatoulaye Diallo

The more you know the less you understand.

I agree with the quotation. It means the more you know, the more questions you have. When I was young, I wanted to learn more and more. Such as when I first learned a new formula of the math, I would ask myself how formal works, what situation the formula can work and doesn’t. Because I just knew a very base of the formal, I would ask myself questions and learned more things relate to it. Through that processing I would get it. When I grew up, I found out there is a very special closed relationship between knowledge and doubt. For example, a person read many book, so he understand more. At the same time, he asked himself more questions. His desire of solve the questions would become bigger. He was attracted to studying and thinking. He would learn more about theory. When he got the theory completely, the other theories would come out and it is new for him. He would repeat the above process again and again. Knowledge is without limits. If we learn more and seek more the key for the questions we have.

Ziqiu Cao (Carey)

One cannot step twice into the same river

There is a famous saying in china, “A fall in the pit, and a gain in your wit.” It can exactly explain the saying “one cannot step twice into the same river.” It means you cannot repeat your mistakes. After you have done something, you should learn how to reflect on what you have done. After introspection, you can remind yourself to be more careful when you encounter the same situation again. A Mistake can be forgiven at the first time, but it is not forgiven to make the same mistake in the future. Moreover, the saying “One cannot step twice into the same river” also can be explained that everything is unique in the world. Everything is changing and moving all the time. When you are in the similar situation, you should not follow what you have done when you were first in similar situation. When I am taking English classes in the U.S.A, I cannot follow the same methods as well as I studied in china. Both of them are English classes, but they are different. Besides, you need to continue studying all your life in order to adapt to the new things. Otherwise, you will not improve or change, and you will be outdated.

Sifang Hong (Taffy)

Sunday, February 18

One cannot step twice into the same river

People who plant bad seed always think they have many opportunities when they implement their bad plan again and again such as stealing, murder, and robbing. But when they are arrested, most of them understand they don’t have a second chance to change the outcome. Why don’t they consider what will happen before they the do the bad activity? I am good citizen, and I have never broken the law, but something that I still miss the first chance in my life. For instance, before I took the final exam in last semester in middle school, we had to fill out a form to decide what school you want to transfer. We had six choices fill out in the form transfer to high school, college for professional training, or training school. My goal was to transfer to nursing school, but when I asked my parents to get some suggestion that I wanted to choose nursing school, my parents really opposed because they thought this career was dirty, hard, and that it was easy to get sick from patient. I didn’t want to be against my parents, so I chose and filled out accounting in the form as my first goal for transfer. After the final exam, my grade was higher than what I needed for nursing school, but to based on the form, I had to transfer to accounting training school. I really regretted my decision, but I didn’t have a second chance to change.

Min Li Wu (Joyce)

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s mind there are a few.

In the beginner’s mind aren’t scares to explore what the world has to offer. But in the expert’s mind doesn’t know how to explore. I think it happens when a child going to be come an adults. Because when you’re a kid me you see the world in so many ways as different as an adult. You see it as a playground everything is new to you. The child is always going to ask a question about everything like why is the sky blue, why is the grass green, as an adult it don’t matter. A child is always wants to grow, they are always learning about the world. As an adult the simple’s thing main life wouldn’t matter for a kid it can be a new world. Worlds they can have fun in take them to image some many things that an adult can’t. Some adults ask them self me why are kids so happy all the time they don’t have worries like adults. That why some adults can’t be innocent to the world, because they don’t image the world as a playground like kids. In the expert’s mind he goes to have fewer possibilities then the beginner. You have to learn how to walk before learning how to run.

José Grimaldo

One Day, One Lifetime

" One day, one life time” is my most important sense of values to lead my life. It means to live today as if it were the last day. It encourages me to do my best because it reminds me that every minute is valuable and precious. Thus, I try to make all efforts to use given time effectively and not to regret my sluggishness. It has influenced my personality that become more enthusiastic. For example, I am eager to do everything I have to and want to such as house keeping, studying, traveling, and enjoying my hobbies. It sounds extremely busy and somewhat impossible. However, one of my habits is to prioritize and achieve one by one, so I have been able to accomplish most of things so far. In addition, the saying “One day, one life time.” enables me to feel happy with ordinary things. One day, I thought about what I would do if it was really my last day what I wanted to do if this day was my last day. My real responses were much less special than I expected. For instance, I would like to have a good time with my family, send letters to friends, and watch a beautiful moving movie on the last day. After I recognized that my happiness was incredibly close to me, I have appreciated for what I have even if they are trivial things. In this way, I live my life passionately and happily while remembering “One day, one life time.”

Eun Jung Ko ( EJ )

The more you know, the less you understand

In my opinion, this is the most famous phase said by Greek philosopher in ancient times. I think those couple of words have thousands of explanations. I think that our whole life is educational. The longer you live, the more you know. Socrates knew that he was not able to be acquainted with the whole world. He was very disappointed; he really wanted to know the whole world. Why does this flower look like this? Why is it becoming dark? These questions were coming back to him for all his life. I think that most of the educated people are like Socrates. We learn every day something new. Then, we revise it and we think and analyze it. In my personal experience that happened when I was studying about World War II. At the beginning I thought that it was enough to know only something about Hitler or Stalin, but in fact it’s not true. Then the things were coming back to me, what would it happened if Hitler had done this or that and even how the world had looked like without those people. Those kinds of feeling people have for whole their life. We are just humans and we are not able to have the whole knowledge of world, but we can pass down this information we’ve already known to the next generation.

Kamil Buczek

One Day, One Lifetime

Life is uncertain, and it is also unpredictable. Our passage on the earth is brief. We should focus on how to build our life better because no one knows the end of his days. Each day appears to be a one more chance to subsist. Our community life requests us to follow some rules. At the same time as nobody is not in command of his life, our occupation might be concentrated on the respect of those rules each day. Usually most of the people consider that they have control of their being. Since they are successful they do not worry about the others. Their behaviors make the others suffer. As life time does not depend on our vision, every one might carry out his best to make his daily life improved.

Didi Gattey