ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Sunday, April 29

The Effects of Divorce

Carey Cao

ESL Level 6

March 20, 2007

The Effects of Divorce

In recent years, one in three couples who get married gets divorced. Don’t be shocked by the figure of divorce. Day after day, the number of divorces is increasing. Freedom of divorce is the other side of freedom of marriage. Marriage is a beginning of happiness, but when couples are in an unhappy marriage, they will get more painful. If they want to get rid of that pain, they will choose divorce. Divorces bring disadvantages to both lives of children and couples, but they also bring advantages for couples’ lives.

First, parents who get divorced bring many disadvantages for their children. Parents teach their kids through language. Also parents’ actions are examples for the kids. Each action can affect children how they grow up. If the children had lived in the environment where parents always argued, the children lack the care and tenderness that a family should have. When parents are divorced, the kids may often feel that parents abandoned them. The children could get anxious and depressed. Those emotions interrupt children’s regular study, and children can’t concentrate on studying, so their grades many drop. When the children see other classmates who get love and care from parents, the children would envy them. Also, they might get hurt from other classmates. Other classmates would say that this child was abandoned and the children don’t have mother or father. Those words can seriously harm for the children’s self-respect. Another effect is that divorce would affect children’s love life in the future. The children may have their own unhappy experience with marriage or love. If the children grow up and face their own love, they would be easy to doubt and fear. They may be fearful because they don’t want to the unfortunate thing to happen twice in their lives.

Second, divorce also brings many disadvantages for couples themselves. Divorced men lose their wives. At the same time they lose the habits that prevent their healthy. They may get terrible mood from facing the lonely lives, so they may drink alcohol or smoke to relieve their pain. They may become less restrict by families and get less care from their wives. They may play day and night. The time of their eating may become disordered. Their clothing may be unorganized. They may not pay attention to their image. As we can see, divorced men could form bad habits that affect their health. The effects of divorce are also on women. They didn’t get finance from husbands and just have their children. Women have to work harder than before to support themselves and family. At the same time, they pay more attention to taking care of their children. They may burn out by the pressure. In some cases, women work hard, and their temperament maybe change extremely bad. Sometimes, they would shout loudly with their kids or hit their kids. After the matters passed, women would apologize and cry to their children. Divorced women may also lose control at the similar situation. Their minds easily become out of control.

Third, for divorced couples, they can get chances to start new lives. After their divorce, they become single and will more enjoy their single lives. Before they married, they had single life and never had experience about married life. They couldn’t figure out what is happy in single life and didn’t make full use of or enjoy single life. If a couple is divorced and they become single again, they will have freedom to do everything they want without considering their spouse. When they were in the unhappy marriage, they would never see clearly what problems existed and who made those problems. They thought the problems were caused by their spouse and they were always right. Therefore, after divorce, they have new chances to be introspective and realize who they are. Divorced couples can learn how to love themselves. When they were in love, they would care more about their spouse. For example, when women were married, they would spend less money on dressing or make-up to save money to support families and spare with husbands’ responses. When women are single, they just spend tons of money on themselves.

In brief, the reasons for couples saving their unhappy marriages are that divorce can hurt kids and couples had been love each other. Don’t continue an unhappy marriage because it will cause more pain. Without doubt, divorce is the best way to end up unhappy marriages. Divorces change some people’s lives. For the couples, the influences are varied. If the couples overcome the pain of divorce, they should have a more wonderful future.


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