ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Monday, February 19

One day, one lifetime

People always say life is too short to live. And it’s the same as “one day, one lifetime.” We should enjoy all of our moments we spend on this earth because who knows when you’re going to die or what will happen to you tomorrow. If you didn’t get pleasure from this earth, it’s not when you go to meet your maker that will take it seriously; also, I think that life is not perfect but not terrible either. As long as you try to stay away from bad things, know how to deal with people and take things easily, you’ll be happy in your life. But also when you do the opposite of that, you’ll end up messing up your life. However, to live longer, stay healthy, stay out of trouble, enjoy every breath in this life, and don’t depress yourself. In conclusion, live one day and treat it like it’s your last day.

Ramatoulaye Diallo


At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rama, how are you??
I agree with your opinion: mainly "life is not perfect". My life have never be so complicated. Of course there were many sitaution when I had to did my best to make my life better. Like you said everything is in our hand and which way we go, decide from us

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rama, how are you??
I agree with your opinion: mainly "life is not perfect". My life have never be so complicated. Of course there were many sitaution when I had to did my best to make my life better. Like you said everything is in our hand and which way we go, decide from us

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rama, how are you??
I agree with your opinion: mainly "life is not perfect". My life have never be so complicated. Of course there were many sitaution when I had to did my best to make my life better. Like you said everything is in our hand and which way we go, decide from us

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rama, how are you??
I agree with your opinion: mainly "life is not perfect". My life have never be so complicated. Of course there were many sitaution when I had to did my best to make my life better. Like you said everything is in our hand and which way we go, decide from us

At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rama, I enjoy to read your article. I also think that nothing is life is perfect and is always good moments and bad moments; however,we should always thinks positive and enjoy our life the best as possible.:)

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really agree with your article. I thing people should enjoy their lives every day even though they have good time or bad time today. No one know what will happen in the next minute,so catch time to enjoy your lifetime.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really agree with your article. I thing people should enjoy their lives every day even though they have good time or bad time today. No one know what will happen in the next minute,so catch time to enjoy your lifetime.

Min Li Wu(Joyce)


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