ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Tuesday, February 20

The more you know, the less you understand.

When I was a child many questions were in my mind. So, I thought when I grew up would the answers will make me so happy. After several years studying my basic study, I have discovered that it is impossible to understand everything well. Also, each day I have learned a lot different things, including things about my family, self-Esteem knowledge, friendship rules, and pop culture as well. However, my knowledge continues being limited in order to know answers from questions that I have not assimilated completely. Also, I have studied more than fifteen years in order to know Latin American culture. My favorite topics such as philosophy, literature, history, poetry but I feel as I still have a lot to learn many things. Perhaps there is a lot of knowledge around me which is impossible to assimilate everything. The mind could know a million wonderful ideas. So, the imagination will take two millions out of dreams. However, there will always be millions of things that never will know my capacity.

Rolando Hernandez Lizcano


At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have chosen Rolando's post because I see what he is talking about and I share part of it. I found interesting that people who have immigrated to this country,like me or whoever in the class, brings their own knowledge, feelings, culture and their wishes to understand our world. However, I think that each person has to find their own place in this world, and in the way to find it we pray, read, write, sleep, steel, abuse and lie. Then, you can decide if you wanna run walk or wait to find answers, there are enough world out there to each person.

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like his paragraph becouse i felt the same way when i ws young. i ws asking so many questions i and wanted to know everything. however my perents wher just saying "you will grow up and you will know " i couldnt wait to grow up and know all the unansered question. i thought ill know everything. But like Rolando says even know after a long time of studies we still don't know everything and somethimes we even less understand becouse you ssee somany theories saying this or that and you always ask yourself so what is the truth.i like becouse he says we still have to learn a lot and that e will never end.i like the end most the way he wroted. marija sekeroska

At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although is good to learn more and more, sometimes gets a lot confuse, we mightpretend wehavea wisely mind. But isn't true, there are more questions than answers. Rolando expreses them in this quatations. I like the last three when he talks about the capacityofthe mind, imagination, and dreams. Daniel C.

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