ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Sunday, February 18

The more you know, the less you understand

In my opinion, this is the most famous phase said by Greek philosopher in ancient times. I think those couple of words have thousands of explanations. I think that our whole life is educational. The longer you live, the more you know. Socrates knew that he was not able to be acquainted with the whole world. He was very disappointed; he really wanted to know the whole world. Why does this flower look like this? Why is it becoming dark? These questions were coming back to him for all his life. I think that most of the educated people are like Socrates. We learn every day something new. Then, we revise it and we think and analyze it. In my personal experience that happened when I was studying about World War II. At the beginning I thought that it was enough to know only something about Hitler or Stalin, but in fact it’s not true. Then the things were coming back to me, what would it happened if Hitler had done this or that and even how the world had looked like without those people. Those kinds of feeling people have for whole their life. We are just humans and we are not able to have the whole knowledge of world, but we can pass down this information we’ve already known to the next generation.

Kamil Buczek


At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with your points, and i like the example you using. even i dont know who is Socrates.


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