ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

Welcome to the class blog! This blog belongs to the students of ESL-INTEG Level 6 at Harold Washington College. This is a place for students to publish and share their writing.

Sunday, February 18

One cannot step twice into the same river

People who plant bad seed always think they have many opportunities when they implement their bad plan again and again such as stealing, murder, and robbing. But when they are arrested, most of them understand they don’t have a second chance to change the outcome. Why don’t they consider what will happen before they the do the bad activity? I am good citizen, and I have never broken the law, but something that I still miss the first chance in my life. For instance, before I took the final exam in last semester in middle school, we had to fill out a form to decide what school you want to transfer. We had six choices fill out in the form transfer to high school, college for professional training, or training school. My goal was to transfer to nursing school, but when I asked my parents to get some suggestion that I wanted to choose nursing school, my parents really opposed because they thought this career was dirty, hard, and that it was easy to get sick from patient. I didn’t want to be against my parents, so I chose and filled out accounting in the form as my first goal for transfer. After the final exam, my grade was higher than what I needed for nursing school, but to based on the form, I had to transfer to accounting training school. I really regretted my decision, but I didn’t have a second chance to change.

Min Li Wu (Joyce)


At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's right. In our life, we only have a choice in many affairs. When we choose the worng choice, it's too late to regret. Nevertheless, we will even choose the worng choice in a similar thing.



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