ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Tuesday, February 27

I’m not young enough to know everything.

Young people have great eagerness to know everything because they lack of experience in their life. They are not shamed to ask questions. As the people grow up, they can make their minds up about something. They begin to think something by themselves instead of asking others. They think that will be a stupid if they ask others something about they don’t know. They pretend that they know something that they don’t know, but the kids won’t. Someone doesn’t like asking questions because they are shamed. That were not the only reasons they know less than they were young. Also, when people grow up, they have lots of affairs to handle. They try to escape from the questions. They don’t want to take time to think about the problems they encounter.



At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you opinion. As people grow up, they have more and more cared their face and learned how to protect themselves. They would not like to be looked down on when others know that they do not know anything. However, kids have more encouragement and dare to ask their questions. It is also an irony that the adult always teach and encourage kids to ask questions.

Sifang Hong (Taffy*-*)

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your article. There are a lot of knowledges that the young people have to learn from others. Many new and interesting things attract them to ask people. People won't laugh at them even though sometimes their questions seem stupid. Nowadays, some old people cannot follow the modern society step, there are many new things they don't know, they should ask people who can answer their questions like children do.

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with your article. There are a lot of knowledges that the young people have to learn from others. Many new and interesting things attract them to ask people. People won't laugh at them even though sometimes their questions seem stupid. Nowadays, some old people cannot follow the modern society step, there are many new things they don't know, they should ask people who can answer their questions like children do.

Min Li Wu (Joyce)

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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