ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Tuesday, February 27

Living Day by Day

“One day, one lifetime” is one the quotations from Zen Buddhism that caught my attention. First, it is a truly short quote although it can have a huge meaning. I interpret it as every day of your life is important, and you need to live it as it would be the last one. Sometimes people have a bitter life. Most of their time they are angry like a lion when someone tries to take their cubbies. Others don’t care about anything and leave their stuffs for the next day. Why do we have to leave things for tomorrow when they could be done today? What about if in your life if there is not a next day? We never know when it will be our last day in the world; therefore, you should leave every day like as it would the last one, enjoy your moments with your family, and let them know how much you love them because you don’t know if next I would have the opportunity to do it. Try to be content and enjoy what you have. Just live every day as it will be the last one.

Lissa Gaitan


At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I chose the Lissa's post because I like the quote and her understanding of the quoteation is enough clear to being agree or disagree. I think that Lissa express herself very good in her feeling about living day a day, so if we are more concious about take care of about daily issues. We have today and now for most of the think that are around us, for that reason is I'm not agree with people who make good actions just because some religion promise them a paradaise or seven virgens. There ia enough knowledge in our midn and heart to know that every day could be our heaven and hell.


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that each day is very important. This kind of thinking is special pylosophy that help us to live each moment of our life. If each day we will think that this day we should live as the last one. Perhaps, we have a different world where people smile more and more. Also, people could live more years because they lived less worried about many things.


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