ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Friday, April 27

Two Different Pedagogies

Rolando Hernandez

Two Different Pedagogies

Throughout the world, the English language is a universal idiom that people should study. We could ask ourselves is this idea true or false? There are a lot of people studying this language in order to take advantages of the world. Some of people are going to different schools such as University of Chicago, Harold Washington, and other schools to study English. People receive personal English classes in their homes. Other people prefer to be studying self-taught through books, audio books and others methods. However, how many of these people reach their goal? Each person has a different process to learn a new language but a good pedagogy, many hours of English class and a nice surrounding can help students to learn English very well.

First, a good pedagogy can help students to learn English very well. When I took The Intensive Tutorium English program, I could see that the strict pedagogy was making me crazy. For example, each week they gave us an assignment such as conversations with native people, summaries of several readings, radio, TV listening, and free writings. In fact, each activity was worth several points, allowing the teacher to evaluate our semester. However, at Harold Washington College, the pedagogy is a little bit more relaxed. For example, the teachers give us less homework. Also, we have more time to deliver it. Also, at Harold Washington College, we have personal and free tutors who help us to clarify our grammar doubts very well. In fact, if you want to improve your English skills, the writing laboratory is open many hours per day, but it is up to you to take advantage of it. For example, I am reviewing the grammar in essays twice a week.

Second, many hours in the English class can also help to student to learn English. In the Intensive English Tutorium program, the students have to study twenty hours per week. During these hours, we review four areas of the English language. From 2:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m, the class is about grammar and reading. During this time, students should practice some exercises in order to improve their grammar and reading skills. In the second class that starts at 5:30 p.m, the students can improve listening and speaking skills. These classes are so interesting because every day you can share ideas with different classmates. Similarly, in the listening class the students can listen to video, and radio programs. In fact, they share whatever they hear and compare with their classmates how listening skills are developing. Nevertheless, at the Harold Washington College, the students have fewer opportunities to share our ideas during the classes because we spend twelve hour per week as opposed to twenty a week. In fact, we see each other only two days per week. So, this schedule makes it more difficult to mingle with classmates. For example, some of my classmates have to go to other classes. After my class, my friend Kamil takes math class, so it is impossible to practice my English with him.

Third, a nice surrounding can help the student to learn English. During my two semesters in The English Tutorium Intensive program, I could see the advantages of a nice surrounding. For example, during the breaks, the students can meet each other. Sometimes, you can talk in the cafeteria, in the gardens and other places. Likewise, you can practice your English with people who are in the upper levels. Moreover, in the classroom, I sense a nice surrounding because the teacher encouraged to remember us that we had chosen to come here. So, in classroom, the students must not speak in their language. In fact, each day the teacher assigned us a different partner in order to create a professional surrounding. Also, during the tests the teacher spends two minutes to give clear instructions. After that, no one can say anything until everyone finishes their test. In contrast, at Harold Washington College, the students have fewer opportunities to practice their new language with their classmates. There are several reasons. Sometimes, the students speak in their own language during the class. Likewise, during the tests, the students ask questions to the teacher, who may answer their questions loudly in such a way that the other students lose concentration. As well, some students are so quiet or they do not like to share ideas, even when the teacher tells us one week before to prepare for some subject. Then, when we meet for five minute sessions with our partners, they are not so productive.

I believe that each person has a different process to learn the English language. However, a good pedagogy, many hours in the English class and nice surrounding are important elements that should help to the students to learn English language as well. All schools should share the objective of giving the students these elements in order get all necessary English skills, but if the school does not promote them, you should be prepared to make your own study plan.


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