ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

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Monday, February 19

One cannot step twice into the same river

There is a famous saying in china, “A fall in the pit, and a gain in your wit.” It can exactly explain the saying “one cannot step twice into the same river.” It means you cannot repeat your mistakes. After you have done something, you should learn how to reflect on what you have done. After introspection, you can remind yourself to be more careful when you encounter the same situation again. A Mistake can be forgiven at the first time, but it is not forgiven to make the same mistake in the future. Moreover, the saying “One cannot step twice into the same river” also can be explained that everything is unique in the world. Everything is changing and moving all the time. When you are in the similar situation, you should not follow what you have done when you were first in similar situation. When I am taking English classes in the U.S.A, I cannot follow the same methods as well as I studied in china. Both of them are English classes, but they are different. Besides, you need to continue studying all your life in order to adapt to the new things. Otherwise, you will not improve or change, and you will be outdated.

Sifang Hong (Taffy)


At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Spanish we say, that a ray does not fall down two times in the same place. I agree with you Taffy that is very true. At least we always try to don’t do the same error two times, or not repeat anything when really it goes out for us badly; it is always necessary to think positive, but also it is necessary to think that we learn of our mistakes. Then, if we fall down again in the same river, or stumble over the same stone, it is necessary to learn not to commit the same errors.
Doris Torres

At 8:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great thought. In Ivory Cost, the old man says, it's better for someone who has already broken the jar to carry it than another who has never touched it. It means the more you do things, the less the chances to get mistakes are. Just to say that you aware do not repeat the same error. Therefore, our daily life should focused on how to reduce the errors in order to improve in the future. Didi A

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doris and Didi, thank you for your comments. I have to admire the ancient who summarize the useful saying which can remind posterity how to do better. That is also why human being is progressing. There are the similar sayings in our countries. It is a proof that there is harmony around the world.

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you. The same mistake should not repeat. People waste time on making the same mistake again and again. Everything changes and gets better, but you don’t. You should lean from mistakes. You analyze why you make the mistakes and find a way to avoid making the same mistake in the future, so that every thing changes, at the same time, you are improving. Carey

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you, and the things you say was true. Most People repeat the same mistake again and again. Everyone should learn and try to fix their mistake. Mistake is hard to learn by yourselves because you don't know your mistake, and your best friends will tell you about your mistake.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you, and the things you say was true. Most People repeat the same mistake again and again. Everyone should learn and try to fix their mistake. Mistake is hard to learn by yourselves because you don't know your mistake, and your best friends will tell you about your mistake.

Teresa Mei


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