ESL Level 6 Spring 2007 Harold Washington College

Welcome to the class blog! This blog belongs to the students of ESL-INTEG Level 6 at Harold Washington College. This is a place for students to publish and share their writing.

Saturday, March 10

One can not step twice into the same river

This is true. If we made a mistake in life we shouldn’t make the same mistake.
That Is ho we get experience in life. Stepping into the same river twice always happens
to me. When. I was teenager and my parents told me everyday not to do the same mistake
over and over, I never listened. Like when I was with my friend and they always liked to
be in trouble. One day we were on the corner of the street where I used to live, that was in
Mexico. The police were patrolling the streets and when we saw them we whistled at
them. That made the police really angry. We did it over and over until they caught us.
Now that I’m older, I think about it. I shouldn’t have done it, but I never listened to my
parents. Now I remember their advice and I try not to fall into the same mistakes.

Daniel Cifuentes